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Madison Area Youth Soccer Association


  The Madison Area Youth Soccer Association (MAYSA) and the Madison Area Soccer Referee Unit (MASRU) are the two primary organizations which provide services to soccer referees in the Madison, Wisconsin, area. 
•  MASRU is a membership organization. Its focus is on the training of referees. It also serves as a vital communications link between local, state and national referee organizations.”

•  MASRU and MAYSA cooperate on a number of programs to improve the quality of soccer officiating in the area, such as mentoring of newly-certified officials. 

•  Dealing with unruly behavior: MAYSA has a strict "No Tolerance" policy regarding harassment of referees (click here). If you encounter verbal harassment or physical abuse from anyone (player, coach or spectator) please report the incident in writing within 24hrs to MAYSA  via email to or

Are you ready to become an Official?

Check out these short PSA's from the National Association for Sports Officials (NASO):

Say Yes to Officiating

Here is the link with more information on how to become a referee:

MAYSA League Adaptations and Policies

Rules Adaptations Specific to Under 9 and Under 10 Play

Here is the most up to date information we can provide on the new U9/10 initiatives from US Soccer.   Please review this and for more in depth details go to 

Rules Adaptations Specific to Under 9 and Under 10 Play
Issued by Madison Area Youth Soccer Association:  August, 2019

1) No punting  --  the goalkeeper may not punt the ball at the U9 and U10 age group .  If a goalkeeper punts the ball, an indirect free kick should be awarded to the opposing team from the spot of the offense. If the punt occurs within the goal area, the indirect free kick should be taken on the goal line parallel to the goal line at the nearest point to where the infringement occurred.

  • Drop kicks and volleys are not allowed as it would represent circumvention of the rule.  
  • The ball is “live” as soon as it leaves the goalkeepers feet or hands.

2) Build out  line  -- When the goalkeeper has the ball, either during play (from the opponent) or from a goal kick, the opposing team must move behind the  build  out  line until the ball is put into play. Once the opposing team is behind the  build out line, the goalkeeper can pass, throw or roll the ball into play (punting is not allowed). After the ball is put into play by the goalkeeper, the opposing team can cross the build out  line and play resumes as normal.

  • The goal kick may be played directly past the build out line.  The goalkeeper is not required to take the goal kick.  On a goal kick, the ball is considered in play once it is kicked, regardless of whether or not it leaves the penalty box area.  Thus, the opponents may cross the build out line once the ball is played/kicked.  
  • The GK need not wait for attackers to retreat behind the build out line upon claiming possession of the ball and distributing the ball.  

3) No heading -- Heading will not be allowed.  If a player deliberately heads the ball in a U11 and under league game, an indirect free kick should be awarded to the opposing team from the spot of the offense.  If the deliberate header occurs within the goal area, the indirect free kick should be taken on the goal area line parallel to the goal line at the nearest point to where the infringement occurred.  

4) Offside – Beginning Spring 2017, offside will be called at both U9 and U10. The build out line will also be used to denote where offside offenses can be called.  Players cannot be penalized for an offside offense between the halfway line and the build out line.  Players can be penalized for an offside offense between the build out line and goal line. 
Be clear, but also patient and understanding with the enforcement and communication of these rules adaptations.  These are new and everyone is working hard to understand and adapt

Coach Feedback on Referee

Use this link for Referee feedback:

Referee Organizations

Wisconsin Soccer Referee Development Program 

Madison Area Soccer Referee Unit